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Q: Where can you find maps where the megalodon lived?
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Who would win in a fight a brygomphester or a megalodon?

Brygompheseter Because It Lived In Pods And Can Easily Kill A Megalodon.

What was the world like when megalodon lived?

it sucked ha

Where the megalodon shark lived?

In the tropical ocean waters

What was the name of the biggest shark that ever lived?


Do megalodon lived on the Philippines?

The megalodon is an extinct species of shark that lived millions of years ago. They swam all over the world and died out a long, long time ago.

Did megalodon live in the Cenozoic era?

Megalodon lived in the Cenozoic era, becoming extinct in the Pleistocene, about 1.5 million years ago.

Where can you find maps on where saber tooths lived?

you can find a map on

Is the megalodon the biggest creature that ever lived?

No. He was a big'un all right, but the biggest creature that ever lived is living today: it's the blue whale. The bigger dinosaurs were bigger than megalodon as well.

What is one of the most dangeres animal that lived and that is not still living?

The megalodon shark.

What really is the megalodon?

Megalodon Shark is an ancient shark that lived back around the time of the dinosaurs. It was much bigger than any shark we see nowadays.

What is the most impressive feature of a Megalodon tooth?

megalodon was the largest shark ever to lived 1.8 million years ago and could swallow a whale

What plants and animals lived with the megalodon shark?

The megalodon shark existed alongside many other plants and animals in the Oligocene Epoch. An example is the hyaenodon horridus.