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Firstly you need too decide what assests will make up the trust and than appoint a trustee. The trustee will have leagle power to make decisions regarding the trust and so it is best to use someone without an interst such as a bank. Decide who the beneficiaries are and what percentage of the trust each will recieve, in other words who you want to get what. Fill out necessary leagl forms, it is a good idea when dealing with large somes of money to involve a lawyer.

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Q: Where can you find out how to set up a living trust for your terminally ill spouse?
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A good place to start your search is with the California State Bar Association.

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Why would someone choose to use a living trust lawyer?

Hiring a living trust lawyer can generally cost somewhere between $1,200 to $2,500, but for those with complicated trusts, such as people with large or complex estates or those who need a special needs trust, hiring a living trust lawyer is the best way to go. Also, some people will find the process of creating a will or a living trust rather complicated, especially those who may be computer-illiterate and are not sure where to start. However, most people can create their own living trusts with some research, a good book or two, and software and spend a fraction of the price of what it would cost to hire a lawyer.

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A will contains the instructions for distributing your property and assets after you die. A living trust is a trust created while you are alive to help save money on taxes or to manage property. Living trusts are used to avoid probate.

Where do you find out if someone has a trust in their name?

To find out if someone has a trust in their name, call the bank that you are suspecting they have the trust at. From there, they can tell you whether or not they have a trust. However, they are not required to.