

Where can you find sour milk?

Updated: 10/24/2022
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15y ago

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Buy a regular milk and leave it out a long time.

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Q: Where can you find sour milk?
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What is correct The sour milk stunksOR The sour milk stanks?

The correct phrase is "The sour milk stinks."

What happens when milk goes sour?

The souring and curdling of milk is caused by bacteria. These bacteria utilize all the nutrients, i.e., glucose and other vitamins, and produce acids as a waste product.That's why milks go sour; it's because of the acids produced by bacteria.Cheese was milk, which curdled but lavishly sprinkled with salt and compacted.Although this is so, you cannot just put salt into your sour milk as commercial cheese uses cultured bacteria which are laboratory-tested for a specific use.Making cheese from sour milk will just give you food poisoning.

What is curd?

Curd is the coagulated part of a liquid, the part of milk which coagulates when it becomes sour.

Cleopatra took baths in which animal milk?

Well, Cleopatra was supposed to take baths in the milk of asses. However this is unlikely. Any milk would curdle and turn sour in the hot climate of Egypt. Who would want to bath themselves in sticky, stinky milk? This is not to say that milk was not used as an ingredient in some cosmetic mixture, such as makeup or a body lotion, but as a bath, no way.

How long will an Anglo Nubian goat live?

I have a "Mini Nubian" goat and my siter ha sone they are an extremely friendly animal and a lot of people think that the goats milk tastes EXTREMELY SOUR! (we believed that for some time too until we bought goats).That is partly true if you feed milking goats onion peels, limes, lemons, and other sour foods they will have TERRIBLY SOUR milk! On the other hand if you feed them non-sour apples or apple peels,pears or pear peels, and other healthy non-sour fruits & vegtibles they will have delicious healthy milk! We learned that when we bought our goats because my goat was still on a bottle so we payed the person for enough milk for my goat until she didn"t need a bottle anymore who we bought our goats from. We tasted a little bit of my goats mothers milk and it was great so we called her and asked her what she did to make the milk good and she said I just fed her right. so the answer is "Mini Nubian goats" live to about 15-16-17-18-19-20. It really depends on how happy they are how they get fed if they have enough sunlight and if they ALWAYS have about two buckets of fresh non-frozen clean cool or warm/hot water. (They love warm/hot water but not too hot so it burns them.)