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I'm a massive breyer fan and collector myself and i know a few cheats to making breyer tack!!

First of all there is a website called Utterly horses where you can buy everything breyer, they also have sections to help you create tack, scenes and much more ideas for breyer things!!

Second of all, if you go onto YouTube, tere are millions of videos of breyer tack and so just type in what you want to search for e.g. breyer tack patterns - you will find many videos of custom tack and ideas for tack making.

Hope I was a help XX

i'm on youtube too my name is TitchLuvsBreyerX :) i have lots of videos about breyer aswell :)

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Q: Where can you find tack patterns or cut outs for Breyers?
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Yes thate are small statues of secretariat. The only one i now of for now are the secreatariat breyers. not the ice cream ones but the model horse of secretariat. They sell him in tack shops that carrys breyer horses (some do some don't).

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Hi there, Usally you can find really cheap tack on the net, especially 2nd hand stuff but make sure to check if the 2nd hand tack has any damage, or weak points. Cya

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Many tack stores will also have used equipment on consignment. Check your local tack stores and ask about any items on consignment. It's a great way to aquire usable tack at discount prices.

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How do you care for a mini horse's tack?

It is a good idea to wash it with tack soap after every time you use it, this will help the leather avoid cracking and keep the nice healthy leather look you want. With new tack it is a good idea to put some tack oil on it, this process should be done three to four times, this will bring some give to the leather. You can find tack cleaners and oils at your local tack store, be sure to read and follow the directions.

How big are the breyer traditionals?

It depends on the mold [mould in britan] the height of a traditionals from hoof to ear are about from your elbow to your wrist. Traditionals also need special tack. DO NOT USE CLASSIC TACK! [thats how my favorite saddle broke :(] When you are buying tack look at some reveiws and take time. There are many diffrent Beautiful and realistic Tradtional horses. You will find most of them on bases but there are many for play. Try looking on for some breyer horses just search Breyer and there should be a few of many diffrent kinds. you may even find retired or limited edition [ like i did for only 10 bucks!] on craigslist they have cheaper breyers than any store. Have fun collecting Traditionals! LET THE COLLECTING BEGIN!!!! Scensirly, Golden Pine Stables Manager [home of the best breyer horses!] And the SSSMH [thing i made up]

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any tack shop