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Q: Where can you find the side effects for the bordatella vaccine for dogs?
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There is no vaccine for shigella. Scientists are still working to find one.

Where can one go to find information on a smallpox vaccine?

The website for the centers for disease control and prevention has information about the smallpox vaccine. It will inform you what smallpox is, what are the symptoms, and why you should get the vaccine.

Is there a pertussis vaccine without tetanus?

Trying to find out

What might you find inside a vaccine?

a key

What is the first step you should take if you find your vaccine out of the required storage temperature range or you berlive the vaccine is compromised?

D) Immediately place the vaccine in a functioning refrigerator mark "DO NOT USE."

Where can you get Shingle Vaccine in Cleveland Ohio?

in hell is where you will find ur answer

Should you get chickenpox vaccine?

You should get it, when you find it easily affordable.

Where in the world do you find dogs?

I find dogs at the dogpound

Who benefits from stray animals?

the effects of stray cats and dogs are that they both are living a bad life out in the wild they don't have a place to live they are hungry digging through trash can just to find some time of food so those are some effects on stray cats and dogs

Can the Swine Flu vaccine give you cancer?

Each individual may react differently to anything injected into their bodies and a triggering of cancer cell development is not impossible, however it would be very unlikely. Research of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) tracks the side effects and untoward reactions to the vaccines such as the swine flu vaccine. There are very few reports of problems that have been proven to be due to the vaccine, and none I could find of cancer development. The vaccine for swine flu was made exactly like flu vaccines have been made for decades and they have proven to be very safe. See the link below for the VAERS web page.