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You cannot get them anywhere as they are illegal to possess under the Federal controlled substances act, and most state laws specifically ban the possession of the plant as well.

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Q: Where can you get Erythroxylum Coca seeds?
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What plant produces cocaine?

coca plant Cocaine is extracted from the leaves of the Erythroxylum (coca) bush- which readily grows in the Andes. However the cocaine or coca paste is extracted and is put through a series of chemical reactions before becoming Cocaine Hydrochloride-the white powder that is injected/snorted.

Is the cacao tree and coca tree the same?

No. Cocoa or Theobroma cacao is the plant where cocoa pods come from and is a primary ingredient in chocolate. It is native to the deep tropical regions of the Americas. Coca or Erythroxylum coca, on the other hand, is native to north-western South America and is the major ingredient in cocaine. The two plants come from different families and bear no relation to each other in composition or appearance despite similarities in name.

Is it legal to have coca seeds shipped to you in US?

Yes, seeds are legal and it is OK. Seeds do not contain cocaine. Cocaine makes up about .5% to 1.5% of the leaf of a mature 3 to 4 year old coca plant. Coca seedlings at the age of 1 to 2 years old, contain very little amounts of cocaine, in their leaves, enough to get an ant high. Regards, Cocaricky,com

Does cocaine and chocolate come from the same plant?

No. Chocolate is made from cocoa, which is the pulverized powder of the seeds of the CACAO tree (Theobroma cacao). Cocaine is derived from the COCA plant (Ethroxylon coca).

What plant element constitutes an important part of Aymara religious practice?

Coca leaves are an essential part of Aymara religious practice. They are used in ceremonies and rituals to communicate with the spiritual world and seek guidance from the ancestors. Coca leaves are considered sacred by the Aymara people and play a central role in their traditional beliefs and practices.

What kind of crops grow in Uruguay?

grains mainly. pulses and oil seeds are available

Where do you get a coca plant?

Coca is a tree so it would be kinda hard to ship that here haha but as for seeds and leaves well illegal there is a strict no coca law minus one company in New Jersey that creates legal cocaine and sends the un cocainated leaves to coca-cola for flavoring

What country does the word cola come from?

Africa, from the Cola acuminata tree which produces flavorful seeds/nuts used to flavor foods, including Coca Cola.

What is coca in French?

Coca is called the same in French: un coca (masc.).

Which is the main product of Coca-Cola?

It would be Coca Cola.

What does un coca mean in french?

"Un coca" is an informal way of saying "a Coke" in French, referring to a Coca-Cola soda drink.

Who are the biggest competitors of coca?

There is no better soft drink then coca cola i love it and no drink can compete with coca cola. Coca Cola is best.