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Q: Where can you get a list of Vietnam era draft dodgers?
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Did the Vietnam era draft violate the 13th amendment against involuntary servitude?

No. The draft law has never been successfully challenged, and no court has ever ruled that the Vietnam-era draft was unconstitutional.

Which president granted amnesty to Vietnam-era soldiers who had dodged the draft?


Did Canadian government want to be involved in Vietnam war?

The Canadian government tried its best to remain neutral during the Vietnam war, however when the time came Canadian citizens themselves became involved. It is believed that Canadian enlistment in the US Army during the Vietnam era far surpassed the 30,000 who fled as draft dodgers to Canada.

What was one criticism of the Vietnam-era draft system?

If mom and dad have money, the draft dodger either went to college or they hired an attorney.

What year did they do the draft for Vietnam war?

Well, the Vietnam War Era was between August 5, 1965 and May 7, 1975

What did protesters burn in the Vietnam war?

Radical protestors during the Vietnam era often burned their draft cards. American involvement in Vietnam began in 1955, and the war ended in 1975 during the presidency of Gerald Ford.

Is there a website that lists the names of Vietnam era veterans by state?

The names on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall website, will also list their home states.

How can you use the word draft in a history sentence?

Any important document historically has a rough draft; and sometimes, several. Abolishing the draft during the Vietnam War era is an important part of my family history.

Were school teachers exempt from the draft during the Vietnam war era?

No they weren't, 2 of my High School Teachers were called up in 1971..

How many draftees were there during the Vietnam era?

40,000 men a month in 1968. Be advised, statistics showing "volunteers" are largely draft induced volunteers; an old trick when writing stats.

What is a Vietnam -era veteran?

Not everyone who served during the era of the Vietnam War went to Vietnam. Some remained in cantonment. Some participated in other military actions during this era (e.g., the occupation of the Dominican Republic, etc.). Some were stationed in other countries in support of operations in Vietnam. "Vietnam-era veteran" refers to them.

If you served during the Vietnam war in the us army reserves but were not called to active duty except for training are you considered a Vietnam era veteran?

You are a Vietnam Era Veteran but not a Vietnam War Veteran