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In most provinces, sterilization procedures for both men and women are covered. However, reversals are rarely covered by insurance, and you should expect to pay at least $7,000 out-of-pocket for a reversal.

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Q: Where can you get a reversal done in Ontario Canada and will you have to pay for it or can it be covered on your medical insurance?
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Is tubal reversal covered on medical insurance in Ontario Canada and do you have to pay for it you need answers please can anyone help?

Currently the tubal reversal is not covered through OHIP and most private insurance companies do not cover it.

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In the state of Wisconsin a medical card wouldn't pay for a tubal reversal unless a doctor says it is medical necessary. To see if the surgery is medically necessary talk with a doctor and the insurance company.

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This does mean expenses are not covered by insurance. If this is what the divorce decree says, then you are responsible for these bills.

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Healthcare services and medical insurance plans are very expensive.