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piecing shops..

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Q: Where can you get ear stretchers from?
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Related questions

Can you sleep with ear stretchers on?

yes you can it doesn't matter nothing will happen to your ears it just might hurt a little when you sleep on your ear

Where can you buy ear stretchers from in Cardiff any place other than pulp please?

blue banana

What types of medical stretcher are there?

There are multiple types of medical stretches for civilian, military, and professional use. Stretchers can range in complexity from simple stretchers to multi-use stretchers. Various conformations of medical stretchers include simple stretchers, folding stretchers, basket stretchers, Nimier stretchers, scoop stretchers, as well as hybrid stretchers.

How does one use ear stretchers?

First you must have a pierced ear that is a few months old. Then you use an taper or stretch to slowly stretch the hole. You need to do it very slowly over time in order to properly stretch your ear.

Where did medical stretchers get there names?

Stretchers derive their name from the position in which the wounded would be 'stretched out' from being prone .

hello would like to know if you sell six stretchers with wheels?

No, there are no places online or in Florida that sell stretchers with six wheels. Most patient stretchers only have four wheels with an optional fifth wheel.

Can I go online to buy wholesale stretchers in bulk?

I'm not sure whether you mean piercing stretchers or medical stretchers. Here's a site where you can buy piercing stretchers: - and medical stretchers:

What stretchers are used in restricted areas or narrow hallways?

There not really stretchers there Called Jerry Chairs and can be manipulated to fit in tight quarters.

How big can ear stretchers go and still close up?

From my personal experiences and from friends, as well as research from the Internet, I have concluded that you can get up to 12mm (1.2cm) before they are unable to close up anymore. Hope this helps :)

Can you eat nachos with stretchers?

I Think You Could

How do you stretch a new lip piercing?

you can buy stretchers

What are the people that push the stretchers in hospitals called?

They are porters.