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from a worm shop

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Q: Where can you get redworms?
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Do rabbits eat redworms?

No, rabbits are vegetarians, they don't even eat bugs.

What insects eat redworms?

Killifish: these are fish with a low life-span, often only for a year. Sods law, they are also some of the prettiest.

What kind of garbage is not converted in compost by redworms?

do not use wastes that may contain salt,vinegar, pickles,oil,meat and milk preparations as food for your red worms

What can make Vermiform compost?

Vermiform compost is a type of compost that is produced by redworms, white worms or earthworms. These worms consume organic waste and leave behind a rich compost.

What kind of garbage is not converted into compost by the redworms?

They will avoid foods like onions and orange peels, though they might eat them later. Of course onions and citrus peels will decompose by themselves. Other kinds of garbage, of course, are things that will not biodegrade, like plastic, glass and tin.

How big do inch worm's get?

The species of earthworms range in the thousands, there are many names for Red Worms, or Redworms, some are: tiger worms, red wigglers, branding worms and manure worms just to name a few, as for size that also varies depending on the species as well.Please see related link below!

How many species are there of compost worms?

Six can be considered the number of species of compost worms even though only three tend to predominate. The most effective and popular of the composting-friendly annelids range from Dendrobaena venta (blue noses) to Eisenia andrei (red tigers), Eisenia fetida (brandling, manure or tiger worms), and Lumbricus rubellus (bloodworms, red wigglers, redworms). The complete list also will include Amynthas gracilis(Alabama jumpers), Aporrectodea caliginosa (common pasture earthworms), Lumbricus terrestris (common night crawlers, dew-worms) and Perionyx excavatus (blue worms).

What are good worms to use for bass fishing?

The best worms to use for bass fishing is a subjective choice. Culprit worms have excellent action, while Berkely Power Bait worms have better scent. Finesse worms come in all shapes and sizes, but the inexpensive Zoom Finesse Worm is extremely effective. Senkos, a type of slowly-sinking, soft, stickbait, are also highly effective.

How should you handle your red-eared-slider if you just got it yesterday?

Handling a slider should always be done by an adult and NEVER by a child. Also, sliders naturally carry slamonella, so always wash your hands after handling them. i also use hand sanitizer! Always handle your slider like a hamburger. hold it just like on. here are some other slider tips!!!!! The rule of thumb for sliders is one turtle for every ten gallons of water. Temperature should not exceed 78 degrees! Remember, at the pet store, they dont even use heaters! Red Eared Sliders' main diet should really only consist of floating sticks. I recommend Reptomin to everyone. It is perfectly nutritionally balanced. Redworms for baby turtle is okay. But not when it is a little older. It's mouth is still small enough that redworms are still appropriate, but not later on. Other worms such as waxworms and mealworms are very high in fat and should only be given as treats, and only occasionally. But baby turtles (up to four inches in diameter) should ALWAYS be fed at least once a day and NOT more than twice. If you overfeed your slider, it will begin to show signs of being overweight. You will see excessive bulging sticking out from its shell, which causes pressure on its internal organs! If you see signs of on overweight slider, cut your feeding down to only once a day. Despite what you've read, sliders should always be fed at least once a day, not every other day or longer. My sliders live indoors in pond liners made of black resin that can be purchased at Wal-Mart or Home Depot for extremely reasonable prices. Approximately $29.99 for a 60 gallon pond! Remember, Red Eared Sliders can grow a shell of up to 12 inches in diameter, (About the size of a dinner plate!) and can live for about 35 years. Clean water, good diet, and they will out live you!