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Mormon Tea or Brigham Tea is a type of ephedra herbal remedy and is usually only available commercially in a pill form. If you want to get the leaves to make an actual tea, you'll probably have to pick them yourself.

The "Related Links" below have some links to places where you can buy Mormon Tea.

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Q: Where can you get the Mormon tea?
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How is the Mormon tea able to survive in the desert?

Mormon Tea isn't really a tea per-say. It's more like a shrub that grows in the desert. Mormon Pioneers brewed it into a tea, hence the name Mormon Tea. It basically has the same chemical properties as sudafed so it's really good for clearing up allergies.

How is Mormon tea made?

"Mormon Tea" is a plant, also called Ephedra, Mahuang, or Joint-Fir. It's made by planting a seed in the ground and supplying it with soil, sunlight, and water.The Ephedra plant is used in medicines and herbal remedies. Some like to boil the dried branches or leaves as a tea.

What can you offer your Mormon friends to drink?

Hey! I am a Mormon. We do not drink many kinds of tea and no coffee. Good suggestions are juice, pop, water, lemonade, hot chocolate.

Is Mormon a Mormon?

Calpoly is a university, not a human, and no, it is not a Mormon university.

Can medication make your skin hurt all over you body?

Yes, the skin is a common site for adverse reactions. Ephedra, Mormon tea, butterbur or even Benadryl may help.

What is the adaptation for a Mormon tea?

Devout Mormons do not drink tea -- beverages made from the tea plant Camellia sinensis. Some Mormons drink no hot beverages; some drink non-caffeinated hot beverages such as cocoa, Postum, or plant influsions (sometimes called herbal "tea"). Mormons also do not drink coffee or alcohol. The Word of Wisdom upon which these prohibitions are based counsels caution in taking any harmful substance into the body.

What is David Archuleta religion?

David Archuleta is LDS,Or Mormon.

Why is tea against Mormon religion?

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) do not drink tea because they believe that God revealed to the Church a health code called the "Word of Wisdom", which they strive to follow. This health code contains diet suggestions, including avoiding 'hot drinks' and 'strong drinks'. Joseph Smith defined 'hot drinks' as tea and coffee. Some Mormons will drink herbal teas but not black or green teas, it is all a matter of personal devotion and belief. You can learn more about the Word of Wisdom at the "Related Links" below.

Is Mormon tea a vascular plant?

Mormon Tea (including Ephedra culteri, Ephedra fasciculata, Ephedra nevadensis, Ephedra torreyana, Ephedra trifurca, and Ephedra viridis) is a vascular plant. Most plants are vascular plants - nonvascular plants are those without true leaves, such as moss and algae.Mormon Tea, as an Ephedra, was a common pioneer remedy for many ailments, such as asthma, hay fever, nasal or chest congestion, and the common cold. It is called a 'tea' because the plant was boiled in water and then drank. Scientists believe the medicinal use of Ephedra plants is believed to have begun over 60,000 years ago. Ephedra is still available as a common herbal remedy in many health food and dietary supplement stores.

Did Mormon beckworth make the Mormon trail?

Uhh, I don't know who "mormon beckworth is, but the term "Mormon" comes from the "Book Of Mormon", which is a sacred text to the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS). Mormon is a slang reference to LDS.

Who was Mormon's grandpa?

The Book of Mormon does not say who the prophet Mormon's grandfather was. He does say that his father was also named Mormon, but we don't know much else about his family.

Who knows a Mormon?

I happen to be mormon.... I'm one.