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You vote at a polling station in the ward in which you live, alternatively you can vote by post if you register for a postal vote.

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Q: Where can you vote in Britain like what places and stuff like that?
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Related questions

Which part of Britain was the first to give women the vote?

The first women to vote in Britain, were in municpal elections in 1907.

Where is the place that you can vote?

You cast your vote at voting places.

Government is unfair to peoples rights?

lots of governments are unfair to people's rights, but places like the united states have a fair government where everyone gets to vote on who they want to be their government leader. somplaces like great Britain have queens and kings. their type of government is called a monachy.

How old do you have to be to vote in Britain?

The voting age in Britain is 18 years old.

Could someone in the US vote for Susan Boyle in Britain's Got Talent?

No, because the competition is over, she came second. People from the United States were not allowed to vote. To vote, you had to live in Britain.

Do people vote to decide who governs Romania?

The Romanian people do vote to decide who governs the country because they don't have election and party groups and officials like Britain do . I know I'm right.

When were woman in Britain allowed to vote?

i have have absolutely no idea...........................................

How much is it to vote on Britain's Got Talent?


Who had the right to vote in Britain in the 1700's?


What were women given the right to do in great Britain?


What two rights did women have?

to vote and sell stuff ?

Do voters have an opportunity to vote on important issues as well as candicates?

In many places, voters have the opportunity to vote on important issues, but in many other places, voters only vote for candidates.