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If a person is willing to take the time to find a business workshop then they should first search around their city. Asking friends and your family is a great way to find more information on business workshops. You can also look around malls and shops to see if they are hiring. Take a brochure from one of the recruiting shops and see if you would like working there.

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Q: Where could someone find business workshops?
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To find information on business school, you could browse through some business oriented colleges' brochures. You could also find more information about business school by asking someone that owns a business, or has gone to a business school where they went, why they picked that school and which others they may have considered.

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To find help with writing a small business plan online you check out your local library. I'm sure they have workshops and such where you can learn about stuff like that.

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One can find samples for business emails on Vertical Response. They have a free trial to see if this is right for you. Also they have no contracts when signing up.

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There is a program called Office which will have some clip art for all occasions. This will definetely include the type which will be useful for a business setting.

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To find out how to make a wood shed, one could visit a Home Depot store. They often have books or workshops to help with home DIY projects. Another option is to watch one of the many YouTube videos on the subject.

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Places where an individual can find the basics of drafting business plans include: Grow Think, Government site SBA, Home Business, My Home Business, and My Universal Class.

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Samples of business invitations can be viewed at stationary stores, where they can also be ordered. There are also samples of less formal business invitations on the letters dot org website.

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There are several organisations in Pittsburgh which offer coaching to small businesses. One of them is the "Alternative Board", a membership organisation of Business and CEO's.