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Linguistic understanding and needs change over time. Different cultures all tend to create new terms for new ideas or because it is faster to say the meaning and cut down on the words used, we tend to be lazy with our communication outlets, also. While texting we say "TX" instead of "thanks", which of course is short for "thank you", both short for "my (or many) thanks (be) to you" . "Bye" is short for "goodbye" which during the Elizabethan era was God be with you. Now my 20 year old says "late" instead of "I will see you later" (it is used in place of goodbye), not just to his friends where it started but also to me. Even the word "I'll" is a short cut word for "I will". We have different words added and deleted every new printing of the Websters dictionary and other important dictionaries like the Oxford. Just as we create new words we also tend to drop old words that are now considered obscure, obsolete. Many words we use today became slang a few hundred years ago and we brought them to America. Our lexicon evolves and changes. Some regional differences also apply, there are many words used on the west coast that have no meaning or a different meaning on the east coast. Changes occur slowly over time also. If you were to sit down and have a conversation with, say, Benjamin Franklin or anyone else whose concepts for specific uses of the English language were popular 250 years ago, the difference in understanding the concepts of a word that meant something totally different then would be a bit of a communication barrier. The other person would also use words you had no concepts for because the words or even entire phrases have evolved, or de-evolved depending on your opinion, and now have no present meaning to you. He would have no idea what you were talking about if you spoke with the same words and concepts you use with your contemporaries. Our use of language, words and phrases, constantly change as we create new words that merge with and emerge from; meaning, form, conceptual understanding, popular culture, and sometimes necessity. These changes also include the spelling of words.
i beileive that slang is another way of saying words faster or so called cooler for most of the time children

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Q: Where did American slang originate?
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