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Q: Where did Apollo keep his golden cattle?
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Why did Hermes steal Apollo's cattle?

he didn't apollo traded Hermes the cattle for his lyre.

What was the Greek god Apollo's weapon?

Apollo had a golden bow with golden arrows to match.

Who gave Apollo the lyre?

Hermes exchanged the lyre for Apollo's cattle.

How did Apollo get his harp?

First of, it's not a harp, it's a lyre. Second, Hermes made it for him. Kinda. Hermes stole Apollo's cattle, then took a tortoise, and made a lyre out of it. Apollo found Hermes, saw the lyre, heard how beautiful it sounded and traded his golden wand, the Caduceus for it.

Why did Apollo get the lyre from Hermes?

Hermes gave Apollo the lyre in trade for the Apollo's cattle that Hermes stole

Why was Apollo angry with Hermes?

He stole Apollo's cattle and slaughtered two cows.

Who did the Greeks associate the lyre with?

The Greeks associated the lyre with Apollo. Hermes actually created it, but after he stole Apollo's cattle and was arguing with him, Hermes started to play the lyre. Apollo was so entranced that he traded the cattle for the lyre.

Who owns the cattle on thrinacia?

the sun god Apollo

What crime did Hermes commit?

He stole Cattle from Apollo.

What age was Hermes when he stole cattle from Apollo?


What did Hermes do shortly after he was born?

Shortly after he was born, Hermes invented the lyre. A bit after that, he stole cattle from Apollo. Apollo agreed to give Hermes the cattle in exchange for the lyre.

How are Apollo and Hermes accociated?

They are brothers, and when Hermes was born he stole the cattle Apollo was supposed to be watching over.