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Q: Where did Daniel Rutherford discover nitrogen?
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Did Daniel Rutherford discover nitrogen?

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What were the steps taken to discover nitrogen?

Daniel Rutherford discovered nitrogen in 1772; Antoine Lavoisier was the first to consider nitrogen as a chemical element.

How did Daniel Rutherford discover nitrogen?

By bombarding light atoms with alpha rays, and split the atom, he changed nitrogen into oxygen

Who dicovered nitrogen?

Daniel Rutherford.

When did people discover nitrogen?

1772 by Rutherford.

Who descovered nitrogen and when?

Daniel Rutherford in 1772

What year was nitrogen discovered?

Nitrogen was discovered in 1772 by Daniel Rutherford

When was nitrogen discoverd?

It was discovered in 1772 by a man named Daniel Rutherford

Did a scientist discover nitrogen?

Nitrogen was discovered by multiple scientists. Daniel Rutherford, a Scottish chemist, is often credited with the discovery of nitrogen in 1772 when he isolated the gas. However, the existence of nitrogen was known earlier, as it is a common element in the atmosphere.

When was nitrogen discovred?

Nitrogen was discovered by the Scottish physician Daniel Rutherford in 1772

How was nitrogen discovered?

Nitrogen was first discovered by Scottish physician Daniel Rutherford in 1772 through experiments involving the removal of oxygen and carbon dioxide from air. He named the gas nitrogen because it was found to be the part of air that does not support combustion or life.

What is is nitrogen?

Nitrogen is called nitrogen because when scientist first discover it the scientist thought up the name nitrogen because that name has connection to the gas.