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Q: Where did Egyptian people get their explanations for natural events?
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Why did people make up greek gods and goddesses?

To find explanations to natural events and try to decide what causes them.

How is mythology related to Greek religan?

As they lacked our scientific knowledge to explain natural events, they invented myths to explain them. The myths were religious in focus. Even today, with clear scientific knowledge and explanations, many people still accept a religious basis for natural happenings.

Why was the philosophers of ancient Greece important?

They were the first people to consider explanations for events other than that were the work of the gods.

What is the refute theory of natural inspiration?

The refutation theory of natural inspiration argues that people naturally seek explanations for phenomena, but these explanations are not always correct. It suggests that humans may attribute supernatural causes to natural events due to their cognitive biases or lack of scientific understanding. This theory challenges the notion that supernatural explanations are evidence of divine inspiration.

What was the name of the people that made the first Greek philosopher?

The first Greek philosopher is widely considered to be Thales of Miletus. He was a pre-Socratic philosopher who is known for his contributions to the study of natural phenomena and the first person to seek natural explanations for the world around him, rather than attributing events to supernatural causes.

Did the Nile River and the Sahara Desert were important natural barriers that kept the Egyptian people safe from invaders?

Nile River and the Sahara Desert were important natural barriers that kept the Egyptian people safe from invaders. I hope the information works for you.

What are all the natural events in an ecostyem?

hurricanes are one kind of natural event that can cause people great problems list as many other kinds as you can think explain how one of these events affects people.

How could people understand natural events?

People can understand natural events through observations, data collection, scientific research, and analysis. By studying patterns, causes, and effects of events such as earthquakes, weather patterns, or volcanic eruptions, scientists and researchers can gain insights into how and why these events occur. Utilizing technology like satellites, sensors, and computer models enhances our understanding and ability to predict natural events.

How do myths help us to understand the past?

Myths provide insight into the beliefs, values, and cultural norms of past societies. They can offer explanations for natural phenomena, historical events, and human behavior. By studying myths, we can gain a better understanding of how people in the past made sense of the world around them.

How many people died in natural disasters?

On average, around 60,000 people die from natural disasters each year, although the number can vary greatly depending on the severity and frequency of the events. This number includes deaths from earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, wildfires, and other natural events.

When did people belie ve in Egyptian gods?

From at least 3100 BC into the Middle Ages of 641AD. It is nearly impossible to say when the Egyptian religion began or ended for there is no record by a organized impartial witness to such events.

Why did philosophers encourage people in ancient Greece?

They generally wanted to enlighten people and explain rational natural explanations rather than just ascribing things to the gods. It has been really slow catching on as even today, with very sophisticated scientific explanations for phenomena, so many people still prefer to ascribe things to a god.