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Texas A&M University

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Q: Where did Governor Rick Perry go to college?
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What college did Rick Perry go to?

Texas A&M

How do you go about getting an appointment of Texas Navy Admiral?

Send some money to Governor Rick Perry

Is the school budget cut bad?

yes the budget cuts are bad. they are causing millions of people to lose their jobs. In Texas governor rick perry is the reason for the budget cuts. All the back up funds were taken out by perry. in my opinion perry should never have been in office to begin with. I am 13 and i can prove what rick perry did. go to google and type in: RICK PERRY/ BUDGET CUTS.

Did Katy Perry go to college?

No she did not.

How gay is rick perry?

Gotta go for totally bisexual. Brokeback Perry!

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Yes he went to college

Where did William perry go to college?

Texas A&I-Kingsville

How many college degrees did Katy Perry get?

None; she didn't go to college

When did Rick Riordan go to college and how long?

14 years

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University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Where did Riordan go to college?

Greyford College Academy author, Rick Riordan, went to college at Michigan State University

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north kansas city high school