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It is nearly impossible to say for certain, though in Matthew the text seems to imply that Jesus was conducting the Sermon on the Mount while still in Galilee. If you're asking where in scripture, there is one account in Matthew 6:9-13 and another in Luke 11:1-4.

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Q: Where did Jesus teach the Lord's Prayer?
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Where do the words lords prayer come from?

The deciples once asked Jesus to teach them to pray and he taught them the lords prayer as we know it.

What prayer did Jesus teach us to pray?

Yes he did. He taught us how to pray and to tell God to forgive our sins. :D

Why did Jesus teach his disciples the Lords Prayer?

He was giving an example of how we should pray. He was telling the disciples not to pray as the hypocrites and pharisees did. So he gave them the Lords prayer as a kind of guidline for praying.

What are the exact prayers of Jesus?

It is the Lords prayer.

What is the name of the prayer Jesus told christians to use?

It is called the lords prayer.

What is the prayer Jesus taught us all to say together?

the LORDS prayer

What was the first pray jesus prayed?

It is the lords prayer.

Why do you say the Lords Prayer?

The Lord's Prayer begins -" Our Father which art in Heaven." It was given to the 12 disciples by our Lord Jesus Christ at their request to him to teach them to pray. We call it the Lord's Prayer as it was given by the Lord Jesus for our Lord God in heaven.

What did Jesus teach about prayer?


Who said the lords prayer first?

It is called "the Lord's Prayer" because it was Our Lord Jesus who said it first.

What did Jesus teach in regard to the efficacy of prayer?

Prayer efficiacy is your thinking power

When did Jesus pray in the bible?

Jesus gave the Lord's Prayer in Matthew 6:9-15 and Luke 11:2-4.-------------------------------------More detail:Jesus taught this 'model prayer' (otherwise known as the 'Lord's Prayer' or 'Our Father Prayer') and much more, during his "Sermon on the Mount" given around 31 AD.