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Q: Where did Joan of Arc defeat the English?
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Who was the French peasant who helped defeat the English?

Joan of Arc ( French spelling: Jeanne d'Arc)

Who did Joan of Arc defeat?

Joan de Arc was instrumental in the French defeat of the British at Agincourt. She was only about 15 years old at the time.

Who was a french peasant girl who helped defeat the English during the Hundred Years War?

Joan of Arc

Why did they accuse Joan of Arc?

The French accussed Joan of being a heretic because she claimed that god told her how to defeat the English army near Orleans.

Who aided the French in their fight against English?

Joan of Arc

What was Joan of Arc's greatest achievement?

Here big achivevment was at 17 she led the French army to defeat the English army.

Does the Hundred Years War end before or after Joan of Arc's death?

The Hundred Years War ended after Joan of Arc's death. Her actions were the Catalyst for France to defeat the English within 22 years after her death.

How old was Joan of Arc when she was captured by the English?

Joan of Arc was 19 years old when she was sold to the English by the Burgundians and was executed.

Who was a hero of the French executed in 1431?

Certainly Joan of Arc - in French: Jeanne d'Arc, burnt at the skate by the English.

Who heard voices which told her to help the French to fight against the English?

Joan of Arc

Who burned Joan arc at the stake?

Joan of Arc was burned at the stake by the English on May 30, 1431.

How do you spell English name Joan in French?

Jeanne is the French spelling for the English "Joan", as in Jeanne d'Arc (Joan of Arc).