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Q: What does Stanley realize about the gold tube and what does he wonder about it?
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In the book holeswhere did Stanley realize he had seen the gold tube before?

Stanley realizes he had seen the gold tube before when he remembered that his "no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather" had stolen it from Kate Barlow, the schoolteacher turned outlaw, and buried it in the desert.

Why did X Ray refuse to discuss the gold tube with Stanley at breakfast in Holes?

X-ray refused to discuss the gold tube with Stanley because X-ray was afraid the Warden might have been listening.

Holes after returning to the hole where Stanley found the lipstick tube what do the boys discover?

Gold -from liya :)

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What did Stanley realize about Kate Barlow?

he realized that the thing he found in the beginning of the book was her lipstick tube and the KB that was ingraved on it stood for Kate Barlow.

What does Stanley plan to tell the warden?

Stanley was planning on telling the Warden that the lip stick tube is not a lip stick tube it is a tube

What was the object that Stanley had found?

The first thing that Stanley finds is a fossil when digging his hole.

Who found the lipstick tube in the book holes?

That object was found by Stanley, but he allowed X-Ray to take credit for its discovery. It is never proven to be a lipstick tube, but because it said "K.B.," Stanley remembered that "K.B." was the initials of Kate Barlow, a famous outlaw who kissed every person she killed, leaving a lipstick mark, therefore thinking that the tube belonged to her. The tube looks like a large bullet in the movie.

What does Stanley Yelnats finds which has KB on it?

A golden lipstick tube

In Holes what is the first thing Stanley finds as he is digging?

He finds a gold tube, apparently from the lipstick of a female outlaw involved with his namesake a century earlier.

What tube is used for thyroid blood tests?

tube color for Thyroid Stimulating Hormone test is the gold tube for chemistry testing.

What does Stanley find when digging his first hole?

golden tube