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alot of places.

they are commonly referred to as Robert E. Lee's "shock troops"

great warriors, plainsmen, fine cavalry and riflemen, having come off fighiting the Mexicans and Comanches.

never should have been in that stupid war, but they performed admirably and then some.

Antietem is one example, where they took on the heaviest and horrific massacres (on both sides) in the Cornfield. Other examples are plenty.

I heard one anecdote that Lee wanted to personally lead them after Hood's death but his men prevented him from doing so by literally refusing to fight until "Lee goes to the rear"

no lack of bravery anywhere in that war, except maybe on the part of Abraham Lincoln. Yes, he was stupid, but it wasn't all his fault. The failures of his 2 predescessor presidents plus idiotic communities like the State of South Carolina arguably forced his hand. A smarter man could've shaken off that hand though.

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Q: Where did Texans fight during civil war?
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