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Q: Where did Wolfgang Amandeus Mozart get his music education?
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Related questions

What is wolfgang Mozart famous for?

composing music

Who was Mozarts first music teacher?

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's first teacher was his father, Leopold.

What is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart known for?

His music and music writing skills

What did Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart have to do with the enlightenment?

he created music

What kind of music did wolfgang Mozart write?


Why is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart important?

We know he is famous for his music.

What type of music does Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart play?


Who is the composer of the titan music add?

Its Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

what is Mozart music?

That refers to music by Mozart. There were several people with the family name "Mozart", but without further specification, this usually refers to Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. You can find some music by this great master on YouTube.

What kind of composer was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart?

He composed classical music!

How much music did Wolfgang Mozart compose?

Over 620 works.

Who was famous writer of piano music?

Wolfgang Amedeus Mozart, Beathoven