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It didn't explode. Three Mile Island's Nuclear Power Plant in Pennsylvania experienced an almost complete meltdown.

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Q: Where did a nuclear reactor explode in 1986?
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Would a nuclear reactor explode if there were no people?

Never ever

Did chernobyl explode like a bomb?

It did explode, but this was due to a surge in steam pressure which blew off the top of the reactor, it was not a nuclear explosion as in a nuclear weapon.

When did the Chernobyl nuclear power plant explode?


Can a power plant can explode like a nuclear weapon?

No, a nuclear weapon needs a specific geometry to detonate, and it has to be held in this position by very high explosives to keep it in this shape. In a nuclear reactor, if the reactor core goes critical then the force of the expanding coolant will blow the reactor apart, preventing a nuclear blast.

In the 1980s a nuclear reactor exploded and burned near which town?

Chernobyl, in the Ukraine, was the site of a nuclear reactor fire and radiation leak on April 26, 1986.

What is Reactor number four?

The #4 reactor is the reactor at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (Pripyat, Ukraine) that exploded on April 26, 1986. It is still the worst nuclear accident to ever take place anywhere.

What soviet city was the site of a major radiation leak from a nuclear reactor in 1986?


What are the accidents during the nuclear reactor?

Thankfully there haven't been many nuclear accidents, however when they do happen they can be severe the worst nuclear accident/disaster was the explosion of reactor No.4 at the Chernobyl Nuclear power plant in 1986 on April the 26th.

What is the Japanese Nuclear Reactor?

A Nuclear Reactor.

Can a nuclear reactor be used as a nuclear weapon?

No. LLNL even tested several Uranium-Hydride bombs in the 1950s. Even though their computer models said the devices should explode, none gave a nuclear yield. One could use the waste from the reactor as a Radiological Weapon, but the reactor itself is not useful as a weapon.

How does a nuclear reactor explode?

The only one that has ever exploded to my knowledge was at Chernobyl in 1986, and this was due to a steam pressure surge during an experimental procedure that was badly planned and carried out. This type of reactor was unique to the Soviet bloc countries and is no longer built, though I think some may still be in operation.

What is artificial nuclear reactor?

An artificial nuclear reactor is a nuclear reactor that is created by man to utilize a nuclear reaction for energy, as opposed to natural nuclear reactors.