

Where did aurangzeb marched and what did he do?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Where did aurangzeb marched and what did he do?
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What does 'Aurangzeb' mean?

"Aurangzeb" means "Ornament of the Throne".

What is Aurangzeb's birthday?

Aurangzeb died on March 3, 1707 at the age of 88.

What is the full name of aurangzeb?

Aurangzeb's full name was Muhi-ud-din Muhammad Aurangzeb (1658-1707). When he ascended the throne in 1658, he took the title of Alamgir, which means World Conqueror. But he is known to us by his real name Aurangzeb.

Was Aurangzeb a great mughal emperor?

Aurangzeb (1658-1707) was last of the Great Mughals. Aurangzeb was great in the sense he was "powerful". The Mughal empire reached its greatest extent under Aurangzeb.

Who killed aurangzeb and how?

Shivaji killed aurangzeb after reaching deccan and became stronger.

Where is the tomb of Aurangzeb located?

Aurangzeb's tomb is situated at Khuldabad in Aurangabad, Maharashtra.

Is aurangzeb the third son of ashoka?

Aurangzeb was the third son of Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan. Aurangzeb ruled the Mughal Empire from 1658 to 1707.

Is aurangzeb a mughal?

Yes. Aurangzeb was the 6th Mughal Emperor of India (1658-1707).

When did Aurangzeb rule?

Aurangzeb was the 6th Mughal Emperor of India. He ruled from 1658 to 1707.

Did Aurangzeb kill his brother?

yes he did kill . With Shuja and Murad disposed of, and with his father Shah Jahan immured in Agra, Aurangzeb pursued Dara Shikoh, chasing him across the north-western bounds of the empire. After a series of battles, defeats and retreats, Dara Sheik was betrayed by one of his generals, who arrested and bound him. In 1659, Aurangzeb arranged his formal coronation in Delhi. He had Dara Shikoh openly marched in chains back to Delhi where he had him executed on arrival on the 30th of August, 1659. Having secured his position, Aurangzeb kept his frail father Shah Jahan at the Agra Fortwhere Shah Jahan died in 1666 and was denied a state funeral. s brothers

What was the real name of Aurangzeb?

Abul Muzaffar Muhy-ud-Din Muhammad Aurangzeb Alamgir

How old was Aurangzeb at death?

i am asking this question :what was the age of Aurangzeb when he died? and you are asking me this question are you people out of your mind ''''