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Yes coal was formed by the bio materials of forests and swamps and the energy as now came from the sun.

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Q: Where did coal get its energy from forest and swamps?
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Where are swamps found in the world?

they may be by forests. but a crowded forest has a 100 percent of no swamps.

Which biome has swamps?

Tropical Rain Forest

Why do geologists have problems mining when the coal is in tropical swamps?

Mining coal from tropical swamps might be a problem for geologists because they would be disrupting or damaging the environment and the ecosystems around the mine.

Does coal form in places that were once swamps?

Coal is formed from 400 million year old trees.

What are organic rocks called from the remains of swamp plants buried in water?

Coal is an organic rock that is composed of vegetation that may have originated in swamps and marshes.

What is coal energy?

Coal energy is energy derived from the burning of coal. Coal is essentially fossilized carbon.

How did coal become coal?

coal become coal because when animals get buried in swamps years ago and when it is dug up now it became coal that is correct p;ants a long time ago are coal

What is the first stage in coal formation?

The first formation of coal: Dead plants eventually accumulate in swamps forming peat.

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The formation of swamps and the decay of swamp vegetation are the basis for what fossil fuel?


Coal is formed from dead plants and animals that lived in swamps what best explains why coal can be mined in certain areas even though no swamps exist in those areas today?

The areas that coal is being mined were once swamps or very near to old swamp locations. I think that may be of more help to you. I'm simply upgrading the grammer, I'm still at school lol :)

What is the Cane Toad's habitat?

forest swamps or marshes