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Harpers Ferry, Virginia

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Q: Where did john brown direct his attack to end slavery?
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Who led an attack on pottawatomie creek to retaliate for the attack on Lawrence?

John Brown led the attack on Pottawatomie Creek in retaliation for the attack on Lawrence. Brown and a group of followers killed five pro-slavery settlers in May 1856 as a form of guerrilla warfare in "Bleeding Kansas."

Why did john brown attack the arsenal Harper's ferry in 1859?

He hoped to inspire a revolution that would end slavery.

Why di john brown attack the arsenal at harpers ferry in 1859?

He hoped to inspire a revolution that would end slavery.

Why did John Brown not spark the US Civil War?

Anti slavery abolitionist John Brown did not spark the US Civil War. He did become a martyr for the cause to end slavery in that he was executed a few months after his attack on the Federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia.

Who led the attack on pottawatomie creek to retaliate?

John Brown led the attack on Pottawatomie Creek to retaliate against pro-slavery forces in Kansas in 1856. The attack, known as the Pottawatomie massacre, resulted in the killing of five pro-slavery settlers.

Was john brown pro slavery or anti slavery?


How did john brown try to end slavery?

John Brown tried to end slavery by sacrificing himself for the life's of slaves.

Why did John attack the arsenal at Harpers Ferry?

John Brown wanted to use the weapons at the arsenal to arm freed slaves who he would lead in a revolt against slavery. novanet- he hoped to inspire a revolution to end slavery

Who was executed for his attack on the arsenal at harpers ferry?

(John Brown)

What did John Brown do - slide10?

John Brown was an American abolitionist (wanted to ending slavery). He thought the only way to do this was by the use of violence. He's most well known for organizing and leading an attack on the federal armory at Harper's Ferry. The attack was unsuccessful, Brown was captured and hanged. I don't know what slide 10 is.

What did John Brown do in Kansas?

John Brown was an extreme abolitionist who was angered by slavery and killed 5 of his own pro-slavery neighbors at gunpoint.

What did the opponents of slavery say about John Brown?

Some opponents of slavery praised John Brown's life and actions including his raid on Harpers Ferry. Other opponents of slavery were strongly against violence and for this reason did not approve of John Brown's actions.