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Q: Where did meteorologist June bacon bercey work?
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What was June Bacon-Bercey famous for?

She is the president of UCLA and she made the fifth grade math textbook

Where does a meteorologist work?

At the news station

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What does the work of a meteorologist invovle?

Weather and climate

What kind of work a meteorologist do?

Meteorologist are the people you see on the news who talk about the weather. They study the weather and tell you estimated upcoming weather.

What does the work of a meteorologist involved?

Meteorologists are scientists who study the atmosphere. They examine its effects on the environment, predict the weather, or investigate climate trends. A meteorologist's work involves researching and forecasting the weather.

What does work of a meteorologist involve?

Meteorologists are scientists who study the atmosphere. They examine its effects on the environment, predict the weather, or investigate climate trends. A meteorologist's work involves researching and forecasting the weather.

what special skills or talents are necessary for a meteorologist?

you need to be able to work on the computer fo rlong hours at a time without being frustrated

What is the three reason why meteorologist work important?

Meteorologists are important for our safety

How long do meteorologist have to work a day?

usually they work 8 in a day but, sometimes more if the weather requires it.

How would your work day go if you were a meteorologist?

it would be very stormy or sunny.

What is Francis Bacon's work?

He was an artist