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I'd say they mainly worked on the plantation, everywhere. Some worked in the "Big House", the masters house, they worked in the field, and anywhere they were told to work. If they didn't work hard enough or fast enough they were whipped. Children also worked on the plantation and got whipped also. They got food in the morning, afternoon and dinner. They ate on the ground or if they were lucky, on a plate. They usually ate with clam shells. Slaves did the dirty work all day everyday. Picked cotton, helped around in the house, worked in the yard etc.

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Q: Where did most slaves work in the southern colonies?
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Did the New England and Middle Colonies and Southern Colonies all have slavery?

Southern Colonies had slaves to do their work on the plantation, Middle Colonies had some slaves but they were kinda in the middle, while the New England Colonies had no slaves.

Why did the southern colonies have the most slaves?

BEcause thats where the cash crops were. Slaves were needed in the south to work on plantations and pick cotton

Why were there more slaves in the southern colonies than in the MIddle colonies and new England?

There was more slaves in the southern colonies than in the Middle colonies and New England because they didn't think it was right to have slaves and they had mostly everything that they needed and could do it by themselves.REKLAWthe reasons why there were most slaves in the south than middle is because the southern economy ran on slavery,the souths depended on slavery to do the work which made them richer.the southern slaves had no freedom,but the north slaves could buy their way out of slavery and can only work on weekdays.

Why were there less slaves in the southern colonies than in the northern colonies?

The northern colonies had less reliance on plantation agriculture, which required large numbers of slaves, whereas the southern colonies relied heavily on cash crops like cotton and tobacco that necessitated a large labor force. Additionally, the climate and topography of the southern colonies were more conducive to slave labor in agriculture compared to the northern colonies.

What were the main cash crops in the southern colonies How did they contribute to the use of slavery?

Rice was the main cash crop in the southern colonies. This contributed to slaves because it took many slaves to work a rice plantation. :)

Slaves were far more numerous in which colonies?

In the United States, slaves were far more numerous in the Southern colonies. They were used for plantation work which was very labor intensive.

What were overseers in the southern colonies?

Overseers in the Southern colonies were workers hired by planters to watch over and direct the work of slaves. So they were more like supervisors, and if the slaves weren't performing their tasks, the overseers would then proceed to whip them.

The economy of the Southern Colonies was?

The Southern Colonies were of an agrarian economy, so they worked in agriculture, which called for plantations for the crops and the slaves to work on the crops. This became so deeply rooted that this is why the Southern Colonies that were soon to be the Southern States wished for slavery to be legal in the US.

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Who did most of the hard work in the fields in the southern colonies?

Mostly slaves and indentured servants. If the farm was small and the family was large, then the children would help out in the fields to.

Why did the large-scale farming develop in the sourhern colonies?

Large scale farming developed in the southern colonies because they had slaves to work the plantations.