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they lived in small houses. it only had one room. they often lived in villages

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12y ago

they use to live in small cottage many with animals. or they lived in house in london filled with other famileys

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Q: Where did poor people live in Elizabethan times?
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What is the difference between rich and poor people in the Elizabethan times?

they wore different clothes

Can you Show a picture of what poor girls did in Elizabethan times?

no no

Where did the poor people live in Tudor times?

people lived in small hut that they built themselves

What were times like for poor people in 1860?

poor people found it hard to live with what they have got and what they will do with there lives imagine the children with that family?

What did poor Elizabethan people eat?

The poorest people would eat 'pottage'. This is a bland vegetable type stew.

What were the different social groups in the Elizabethan times?

The Nobility, The Gentry, The Yeomanry, The Poor

What were the differences between upper and lower class men in Elizabethan times?

The upper class were rich, were as the lower were poor.

What kind of villa did poor people live in roman times?

None. A villa was a luxurious country estate and poor people could never afford them.

Were did the poor people live in Medieval times after people moved out of castles?

In little cottages that were very cramped and dark at

Difference between rich and poor people in the Elizabethan time?

it is old looking Poor people wore rough cloth called homespun and poorly tanned leather. Rich people wore whatever they could afford. Silks, brocades , finely worked leather , boots and shoes, and undergarments, a luxury most poor people did without. rich people live with high standard and poor's don't have any standard.

How did the rich and poor people live in Tudor times?

They lived by rich laws they had slaves ( poor people) to clean there toilets and bath them and bed them :) they loved eachother . <3