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The countryside, as this was thought safe than being in cities which were easily bombed and attacked.

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Q: Where did pregnant women get evacuated to in World War II?
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How many pregnant women were evacuated in World War 2?


What was the role of women in Britain during the world war 2?

Women in ww2 had the job of doing the men who had gone to war's jobs. If women were pregnant they would be evacuated with other children.

How many women were evacuated in world war 2?


Was it just children who were evacuated from London in World War 2?

No, Some adults were evacuated. Children under five would have their mum's and pregnant women were evacuated.

When were they first evacuated in the World War 2?

They were first evacuated in world war two.

Why couldn't a whole family be evacuated?

During world war 2 people had to be evacuated such as children for safety from bombings,aircrafts and other things the Germans did. Even women who were pregnant had to be evacuated from their houses to save their children so they can come safely in this world. They were sent to be evacuated in country sides and other countries by sailing it was dangerous because they could be bombed by Germans and they also travelled by train.

Did children in World War 2 have to be evacuated?

By the end of the Second World War around 3.5 million people, mainly children, but also a few pregnant women, had experienced evacuation.During the weekend of the 1st to the 4th September 1939, around one million children were evacuated from all of Britain's major cities to the English countryside.about 3.5million children were evacuated after the second world war

How were the people in world war 2 evacuated?

they were evacuated by train or by busses

Where were children evacuated in WW1?

In England during World War I and World War II, children were evacuated to the country. They were moved out of the cities for their safety.

Why did teachers get evacuated in World War 2?

Because they needed to teach the evacuated kids

Did the evacues from World War 2 like bieing evacuated?

No one likes being evacuated

What clothes did women take when they were evacuated in world war 2?

The Clothes that were most likely "light" enough for them to carry and to "avoid" the bombs and Bullets