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Q: Where did sugar come from in triangular trade?
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Related questions

What was brought in the triangular trade?

Sugar, molasses, other crops, and slaves were traded in the Triangular Trade.

Which product went from the west indies to England in the triangular trade?

Slaves, sugar, molasses, and fruit went from the West Indies to England in the Triangular Trade.

What was traded between England and Africa within the triangular trade?

Sugar, Molasses, Slaves were traded in the triangular trade

Why was this trade agreement made in the Triangular trade?

rum, sugar (molasses), and slaves

When did the triangular trade come to an end?


First leg of triangular trade?

It's when America gave sugar, tobacco, and cotton to Europe. And so the process of the triangular trade could continue.

What was sugar used for during the American Civil War?

Yes. Sugar cane was part of the triangular trade.

What is the product made into rum as part of the triangular trade?


What did England export during the triangular trade?

England exported slaves, rum, and (sugar) molasses.

Wha was triangluar trade?

Triangular trade or triangle trade is a historical term indicating trade among three ports or regions. Triangular trade usually evolves when a region has export commodities that are not required in the region from which its major imports come.

What are all three parts of triangular trade?

The three parts of the triangular trade involved the trade of goods from Europe to Africa (guns, textiles, and trinkets), then enslaved Africans to the Americas, and finally raw materials (such as sugar, tobacco, and cotton) back to Europe.

What can you write about in a triangular trade essay?

the triangular trade routes were between europe, america, africa, and the west indies. trade routes were triangle shaped, hence the name triangular trade route. an example: first rum and iron products were traded for captive africans in africa. then, the africans were traded for gold, molasses, and sugar in the west indies. then the sugar and molasses were made into more rum in america, starting the trade again. (if you look at a map, this route is triangle shaped.)