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Q: Where did the British surrender after the war of independence?
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What were the years of the War of Independence?

1776-1781 (the British surrender at Yorktown, Virginia) - 1783 (Treaty of Paris).

How is the British surrender of Yorktown important to the declaration of independence?


What is the chronological order for battle of saratoga and french alliance and Boston tea party and declaration of independence and british surrender.?

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Why was the york town battle fought?

The battle of Yorktown was fought in Virginia in 1781 during the revolutionary war. The revolutionary war was fought in order to gain independence from Great Britain. This battle ended the revolutionary war by the surrender of British General Cornwallis and America gained there independence from GB.

What battle led to the surrender of the British?

The siege of Yorktown led the British forces to surrender to the american and french forces in the american revolutionary war.

Where did the british surrender the Revolutionary War?

Yorktown, it was the last battle of the Revolutionary war.

Which war did the Americans fight the British for independence?

The Revolutionary War.

Who did the British surrender to in the American Revolution?

The British did not surrender. They merely withdrew because the war was not cost-effective. They had other priorities with colonies such as India who were giving them problems.

What was the second war for Independence?

The Second War for American Independence was in 1812. The war was a fight with the British along with their Indian allies.

Why was the Revolutionary War called the war of Independence?

it was called the war of independence because the colonies was fighting for freedom from the British rule

What did oliver hazard perry do in the war of 1812?

He forced british ships to surrender

Why did British surrender at the end of the war?

plato because they were fighting 7 frounts