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After the failed attempt to assassinate Hitler, Nina von Stauffenberg, Claus wife, was arrested by the Gestapo and taken into custody. Since the children did not know what their father had done, the government placed them in an orphanage in Bad Sachsa, Lower Saxony, under false names (Meister). Nina von Stauffenberg, who had been pregnant at the time of Stauffenberg's death, gave birth to her fifth child, Konstanze, on 17 January 1945, while imprisoned in a Nazi maternity center in Frankfurt. By the war's end, she had been moved to the Italian province of Bolzano-Bozen, where she was held as a hostage in return for the redemption of Nazi property. After the war, she was reunited with her family at the Stauffenberg family seat in Lautlingen, Baden-Württemberg. Nina von Stauffenberg died on April 2, 2006, aged 92, at Kirchlauter near Bamberg, Bavaria and was buried there on April 8. Her son, Berthold, graduated from Schule Schloss Salem and studied engineering before becoming an officer in West Germany's new army as soon as it was established in 1956. From 1972 to 1974, he was commander of Tank Battalion 11 at Munster, Lower Saxony, Germany's largest military base. His career culminated as Supreme Commander of Territorial Command South, and he retired in 1994 with the rank of Generalmajor, as Germany's oldest soldier after 38 years of service. (adapted and posted by Luiz Felipe Fonseca - - after research in

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Q: Where did the Claus Von Stauffenberg family live after they left Germany?
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