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Q: Where did the English fail to establish a colony in the 1580s?
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What was the first ENGLISH colony to fail?

Roanoke Colony

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They depended on slaves too much, and when slaves were outlawed, things turned havoc

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"Fail" in English is fallire in Italian.

How many times did Roanoke fail?

The Roanoke colony failed once. It was the first English settlement in North America established in 1587, but by the time the relief expedition arrived in 1590, the entire colony had vanished with no trace of the settlers.

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the settlers didn't get along with the natives who lived there

What was the first English colony and why did it fail?

Roanoke was the very first, but it is the "lost"colony. To this day we don't know what happened to them. The first baby in the new world Virginia Dare was born in Roanoke. The next colony was Jamestown in 1607 with 104 men landing in Virginia with the goal of finding gold.

Why did Jacques Cartier's colony at Montreal fail?

Don't know

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Why did cartiers first colony at Montreal fail?

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