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Q: Where did the Potsdam conference draw the boundary between north and south Korea?
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38th parallel. Boundary known as between North Korea and South Korea

The 38th parallel is the boundary between North Korea and?

Korea and china

What was the boundary between south and north Korea?

38th parallel

Where is the 39th parallel line?

it is the international boundary line between north korea and south korea

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Boundary dispute between north and south korea

An example of a relict boundary is the boundary between North and South Korea?

No it is not because the border is still in place

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The boundary between Korea and Manchuria, also known as the Korean-Manchurian border, was primarily established along the Yalu River. This river served as a natural boundary dividing the two regions. The border has gone through some changes over time due to various historical events and political agreements between the two countries.

Boundary known as between North Korea and South Korea?

The line Ninjas jumped over really fast,(:

What river forms the boundary between the North Korea and China?

Yalu Jiang

Which river forms part of China's border with North Korea?

The yalu river forms part of the boundary between China and North korea

Did the end result of the Korean War the establishment of a new boundary between the north and south?

No, the 38th parallel remained to separate south Korea from north Korea.