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Probably from many places around the world and in the US, but maybe you're talking about the high profile agreement to, and removal of IRBMs from TURKEY.

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Q: Where did the United States withdraw missiles from?
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Us demands that Soviets withdraw missiles from cuba how was the Cuban missile crisis revolved?

The Cuban missile crisis was resolved by the USSR agreeing to remove its missiles from Cuba and the United States agreeing to remove its missiles from Turkey.

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The United States, under JFK, ordered the Soviet Union, who first put them there, to take them out immediately. They then prepared for an Army invasion of Cuba in case they had to take the missiles out by force. When a blockade by the United States was put into action to prevent more missiles coming into Cuba, the Soviet Union took the missiles back as long as the United States agreed to have nothing ever to do with Cuba. This is why all relations to Cuba were cut off by the United States.

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After The Unites States negotiated with Russia about removing the missiles in Cuba The United States removed the missile from Turkey.

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The Soviets could easily land an attack on the United States from Cuba.

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No missiles were used in the Cuban missile crisis. No one fired a one. It was caused by the fact that the Soviet Union had missiles in Cuba aimed toward the United States that caused the crisis.

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The United States further extended its containment policy in Latin America

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There are many important people in Russian history. Nikita Khrushchev is one for example. He was a Russian dictator for part of the cold war and he organized the Bay of Pigs invasion on the United States. He had smuggled nuclear missiles into Cuba so that he could threaten the United States. The United States fought the Russians out and forced Khrushchev to take the missiles out of Cuba.

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The United States was mostly afraid of Castro's actions

What is the SALT?

SALT 1 was a treatise between United States and Soviet Union with the scope to limit nuclear armaments and missiles, signed in 1972. After this United States refused to sign SALT 2.