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The Legislative branch, which includes the separate chambers of Congress (the Senate and the House of Representatives) meets in the United States Capitol building in Washington, DC.

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Q: Where did the branch of government meet?
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Where does the executive branch of the US government meet?

They meet in the white house

What building does the legislative branch meet to work?

The legislative branch along with all the other branches of government meet at The Capitol Building! (All branches of government are: judicial, legislative, and consecutive.)

What is the elxcutive branch of your government?

The Legislative branch makes law. The Judicial branch ensures that those laws are legal and meet the requirements of the US Constitution, and the Executive branch enforces those laws.

Where do the major branch of our federal government meet work?

All three parts of our federal government have their main head quarters in the city of Washington D.C.

Why does the executive branch perform government services?

The executive branch performs government services because it is responsible for carrying out and enforcing the laws of the country. This includes tasks such as implementing policies, managing government agencies, and providing essential services to the public. The executive branch ensures that the government operates efficiently and effectively to meet the needs of the people.

Is the IRS government a legit branch?

No, the IRS government is not a legit branch. The IRS works for a branch of the government but it does not have its own branch. The IRS works for the executive branch.

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This a government justice Branch. This branch was written in Knossos.

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The president is chief of the executive branch of government.

What branch of government is created by Article one?

Article 2 of the Constitution sets up the Executive Branch of Government.

What does the legislative branch meet about?

They meet to make laws.

In a Republican government which branch is strongest?

The strongest branch of the government is the executive branch

Fourth branch of government definition?

There is no 4th branch of government.