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The Christian doctrine of original sin is based on the story of the forbidden fruit (Genesis 2, 16-17 and all of Genesis 3). In the Christian reading, the sin of eating the forbidden fruit is of cosmic significance, tainting the souls of every human born forever after with original sin, a sin so indelible that only the blood of Jesus, shed on the cross, can possibly atone for it. There are alternative readings of this story. For example, Jewish readings of this story are far milder because Jews take quite seriously God's later statements that the sins of the father extend, at most, to the fourth generation (Exodus 20:5, Exodus 34:7, Numbers 14:18, Deuteronomy 5:9); these statements refer to children suffering the consequences of their ancestor's sins, but not to personal responsibility. No person is responsible for the sins of their parents (Duteronomy 24:16).

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Q: Where did the Christian doctrine of original sin come from?
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Is the original sin a universal concept?

The concept of original sin is primarily found in Christian theology, particularly within Catholicism and some branches of Protestantism. It is not a universal concept across all religions or belief systems.

How do Mennonites feel about original sin?

The doctrine of original sin is one that Mennonites do not hold to. Mennonites believe that children are innocent and are not able to sin until the age of reasoning is reached.

What would the world be like without Adam's sin?

AnswerThe concept of original sin, or "Adam's sin" was developed by Augustine of Hippo, and was not really part of Christian doctrine before his time, nor is it part of Orthodox Christian teachings. In other words, it was, and is, possible to be a Christian without believing in original sin.Much of Catholic doctrine has developed around Augustine's concept of original sin, including the crucifixion, the Immaculate Conception of Mary, and the ultimate reason for baptism. So, without Adam's sin, Catholics and Protestants would probably still be baptised, but would not do so in order to wash away original sin.If we believe literally in an original sin of Adam, then in its absence there would still be a garden of Eden, and Adam and Eve would still be immortal. There would be no one else on Earth, because it was the outcome of that sin that caused God to condemn Eve to suffer the pain of childbirth.

What was the orignal sin?

The original sin was Adam and Eve eating the fruit that God told them not to eat. But more than that original sin is the Christian teaching that the propensity and desire to sin was passed down to humanity, and that everyone as soon as they are capable of moral choice, willingly choose to sin. The doctrine of original sin also tells us that all people have rebelled against God and that apart from Jesus, everyone is deserving of eternal separation from God (Hell).

Why do some Christians believe original sin still has implications for us today?

AnswerBy and large, people grow up believing the doctrines of the church that their parents send them to. It is hard to change.Some Christian churches still teach the doctrine of original sin. The Catholic Church holds that because of original sin, those infant children of Christian parents, who die before baptism, can not go to heaven but must go to a place or state called limbo. The Catholic Church is currently considering removing the doctrine of limbo from its teachings, but this takes time.

Why do christian parents get their chid baptised?

to get rid of original sin

What is sin against reason?

Sin against reason is a tent of believers in philosophia doctrine and has nothing to do with Sin as defined in Christian doctrine (sin against our Fathers law as given to Moses and proclaimed by his prophets as well as Christ and his apostles). Sin against reason is based in the use of dialectics by believers in philosophia doctrine, usually Stoic Philosophia doctrine. Believers base their belief of truth to be rooted in the logic and reason of dialectics.

Is it fair that we all sin because we inherited a sinful nature from birth and as a result not one single human being can live a sinless life?

No. In the way most people and justice systems today think of "fairness," the orthodox Christian doctrine that you describe is not "fair." Be that as it may, Christian doctrine was not based on human concepts of fairness, but on specific interpretations of Scripture and on ancient traditions of the Church. The idea that all human beings are lost in sin because they inherit the sinful nature from our first parents, Adam and Eve, and therefore need salvation is the doctrine of "Original Sin." It is not expressly stated in the Bible, and it was not part of the belief of Christianity. It became broadly embraced in the 4th Century through the writing of Augustine of Hippo. Happily, not all Christian Churches teach the doctrine of Original Sin today, and it is very possible to be a follower of Jesus Christ without believing that all people are born in sin.

What is original birth of sin in Hinduism?

The whole idea of "original sin" - if that's what you mean, I may have misunderstood - basically corresponds to Christian theology.

Does Daoism reject the concept of original sin?

A:Original sin is a purely Christian concept and has no meaning in Daoism.

Is believing in original sin the same as believing that everyone is guilty?

Not exactly. The original sin doctrine teaches that all were born with a nature of sin or guilt, and separation from God. It doesn't mean the same as blaming victims or believing that everyone is guilty of something. You might be born with the same sin nature as a murderer, but you might never even be temped to kill. The original sin doctrine is more about the separation from God part than any specific acts.

Did the concept of Original sin originate from Judaism?

Judaism does not have the concept of Original sin. This is a purely Christian concept. It's purely a Catholic concept, anyone who knows the bible and knows what it means to be a Christian knows that the Catholic Church and their beliefs don't fit into that definition. Original Sin is one of those beliefs Ezekiel 18:20 in plain terms says everyone is responsible for their own sin.