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Q: Where did the enlightenment end?
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When did the enlightenment end?

The Enlightenment ended with the death of Voltaire.

What was the Buddhist term for the end of suffering?

Enlightenment or Nirvana.

How do you end your enlightenment essay?

My opinion would be with an "inspirational quote"

Which event marked the end of the Enlightenment?

death of Immanuel Kant

When did the age of enlightenment begin and end?

from about 1730's to 1750's

Why did the Enlightenment seems to come to an end?

geoge washinton won them in war

Define the enlightenment?

Enlightenment as a spiritual goal - has been defined as: 'the end of suffering'. 'natural state of being' 'having no argument with what is'. The 'age of enlightenment' as a philosophical idea refers to a period in Western history when reason gained dominance. Enlightenment has different definitions in spirituality and philosophy.

What is a synonym for enlightenment in Buddhism?

There is no synonym for enlightenment of Buddhism in English language. However, it can be described as the highest happiness or end of all suffering.

What did Siddartha learn during enlightenment?

Mainly, Suffering The way suffering begins End suffering The way to end suffering

Was the Enlightenment before the Scientific Revolution?

The Scientific Revolution in Europe began toward the end of the Renaissance period and continued through the late 18th century, influencing and becoming part of the Enlightenment era.

What statement best summarizes the relationship between Enlightenment ideals and slavery for early U.S. leaders?

Many leaders supported the enlightenment ideal of individual liberty, but they were also unwilling to demand an end to slavery.

What do the teachings of Buddha suggest happens after reaching enlightenment?

This is known as nirvana, when the cycle of death and rebirth comes to an end.