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The origins of the Black death are unknown but China is a possibility, and then spread out of China along the silk road to various ports where it was carried on by trading ships.

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Q: Where did the first black plague infected rat come from?
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Where did the plague come from before it reached Europe?

The black death began to spread in about 1437 during the Middle Ages from fleas that bit mice and rats that were infected with a the black death. The fleas would swell from the infected blood they took in and vomit it out. Fleas love to bite humans bite humans any chance they get. Infected fleas bit any human they could find spreading the black death.

How did the black plague come to Australia?

teh waythey handle it

How did the plague come to an end?

rats died out and people survived plague and became immune to it.

Why did the Black Plague go away?

Flea bites and suck up the blood of a rat and the rats infect the fleas, then the rats die and the fleas go to find a different host ( the human ) and then the flea bites them but can't hold anymore blood so they spit the infected diseased blood back into the human making the human infected with the black plague/ Bubonic Plague

Was the bubonic plague caused by rat excrement?

No. Bubonic plague is transmitted by fleas carried by infected rats or people. The pathogen is typically carried by rodents. In the case of the waves of plague that ravaged Europe and the Mid-East in the middle ages, it was carried by rats and other infected humans.The disease you may be confusing bubonic plague with could be cholera which is transmitted by contamination of water by an infected person's feces.Answer:No, it was caused by rats, but not their excrete. the bubonic plague and pneumonic plague were started by rats who jumped off a ship that had come from countries infected with the plague. It wasn't actually the rats that started it, either. fleas travelled in the dirty hairs of the rats and then flourished in the grime and unhygienic areas near London. The plague spread quickly throughout England and Ireland, and only a small part of Scotland was not affected. 1 in 3 people died, altogether. Many towns and villages were quarantined to stop the plague spreading.

What are the differences between the Bubonic and the Pneumonic Plague?

The bubonic plague made the victim vomit, have severe headaches, a high fever, black spots, boils, cough up of blood and have large buboes, sometimes as big as apples, that were filled with puss and blood. They were mainly found underneath armpits and in between legs. The pneumonic plague infected the victims lungs and their respiratory system. It made the victim have bright red blood come from their lungs and out of their mouth.

Where in England did the black death come from?

Originating in China, it spread west along the trade routes across Europe and arrived on the British Isles from the English province of Gascony in France. It is generally believed that The Black Plague was brought to England by people who had been infected on the European mainland who sailed into English ports, and by flea infested ship rats. The rats were the reservoir hosts of the Y. pestis bacteria and the flea principally the Oriental rat flea was the primary vector. In June 1348 a ship crossed the English channel from Gascony in France and docked at the town of Melcombe in Weymouth Harbour in Dorset. Aboard ship was a seaman infected with the plague and he became the first case of the Black Death identified in England.

Did the Black Death come to Canada?

No it did not come into Canada, as Canada was not discovered by Europeans yet. However, the Black death usually refers to Bubonic Plague so if you are talking about modern times the Black death did come to Canada. However, most would agree, the Black Death did not come to Canada

What happened in 1348?

In June of 1348, two ships entered the Bristol Channel bringing the Bubonic Plague to England. The Black Death would continue to ravage the central and western Europe for several years to come.

How come the great fire of London saved thousands of human lives?

because it wiped out the black death (plague)

In black death what colour was the fluid that would come out of the swellings?

The Black Death is also known as the bubonic plague. The swellings are black in color. The fluid is yellow with a bloody tinge.

What animal did the black death come from?

It was a disease passed on by contact with people who were infected & fleas, EVERYONE could get it.