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Most of the developedcountry's of the world have a health care system in place. In other words regardless of your financial ability to to pay for health care you will receive it. at government (or if you like tax payers expense. The Idea would have come from the fact that a country is a lot like a family, you are expected to come to its aid in times of need and war and perhaps pay the ultimate price therefore it seems fair that your country will do the same for you in your time of need. The USA can certainly afford to look after its own, look at what they can spend overseas in a variety of country's,

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Q: Where did the idea for the health care bill come from?
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What organization introduced the idea of primary health care?

The organization that introduced the idea of primary health care was World Health organization in Alma Ata. The short form for the organization is WHO.

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There are of course a couple of downsides to the health care reform, the main one for most people being the increased involvement of the government in people's everyday lives. Also there is the issue of the mandates that are supposed to be passed along with the rest of the health care bill that would require everyone to have some sort of health care insurance (or get fined) on the basis that it would lower prices for everyone else. Many people dislike this idea. There is of course also the cost of putting the health care plan into action.

Who can submit a bill for congressional consideration?

An idea for a bill can come from anywhere but the bill must be proposed by a member of congress.

Is the health care bill mass murder or manslaughter?

Clearly it's neither. Actually, it seems like a good idea. Much of the industrialized world has help from their govt's in the hearlthcare arena -- why not the US too?

Why might you need travel insurance on a ski holiday?

It is always a good idea to have insurance in case you hurt yourself on the slopes or anywhere for that matter whilst abroad so you don't get a huge health care bill.

What are some stakeholders for the idea of Universal Health care?

Offhand, 300 million Americans, including providers of medical care (physicians, etc.).

What kinds of health care plans are available for each person?

It is a good idea that people get health insurance, this is used just incase something unexpected happens. Here is a website where you can look at different health care options.

What is health care reform?

Health care reform is the idea that the current health care system must be changed because it is not effective, wise or fair. Currently there is a debate in the United States about what health care reform should look like for Americans. The United States enacted legislation March 23, 2010 that improves health care access and strengthens insurance oversight, adopting methods piloted by individual state systems.

With the negative image that the US health care system portrays why do you have a large population of foreign immigrants seeking health Care in the US?

It is understandable that someone from Uganda or Haiti might come to the USA for treatment. But the idea that people from developed countries flock to the US for healthcare seems to be a myth. "Study Debunks myth of desperate Canadians seeking US health care. "