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There are many theories about chimichurri's origins. Chimichurri is an Argentine sauce made from parsley, garlic, vinegar, oil, and other spices and used as a condiment on meat and/or vegetables.

Here are some theories for how the name chimichurri came to be:

  • The word came into use when British soldiers invaded the Río de la Plata region around Buenos Aires in the 19th century and were captured. In this story, the captives mixed English, Spanish, and aboriginal words that sounded like "chimichurri." So they would say, "che-mi-curry," meaning "hey, give me my curry."
  • In the Basque region of Spain, there is a sauce called "tximitxurri," which could mean "a mixture of several things in no particular order." Basque settlers arrived in the 19th century to Argentina so this is possible too.
  • Some say it is derived from a mix-up of English from "Jimmy Curry" or Jimmy McCurry."
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Q: Where did the name for Chimichurri come from?
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What is the meaning of chimichurri?

The term chimichurri has several meanings. Typically, the term chimichurri is referring to a variant of green sauce. Chimichurri also comes in a red version.

Should you refrigerate chimichurri sauce?

Yes you should refrigerate chimichurri sauce, any of the leftover sauce should be placed in an airtight container and put in the refrigerator and it should keep for at least up to a week.

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There are many recipes for chimichurri sauce out on the internet. The related link has some recipes; the first one is a recipe I recently tried and had good luck with. Almost all chimichurri recipes call for parsley, garlic, olive oil, and then a combination of spices. If you don't want to make it complete from scratch, packages of dry mixes and actual sauces from Argentina are available online. Common brands are Alicante and La Parmesana.

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