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There was a 11 year old boy who stuttered a lot and he met a hot girl at a beach one day and when he described her, he used that phrase and didn't mess up but when the person repeated it he FAILED!!!

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Q: Where did the phrase She sold sea shells by the sea shore originate?
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How many sea shells did sally sell at the sea shore?

Six and a half actually but now she is sold out. if you are looking to buy one, you may buy it at a pool instead of the sea shore, but sally only accepts cash so dont bring your credit card

What is alliteration beginning with s?

The word is "sibilance" "Shelly sells sea shells by the sea shore," and "Silly Samuel sold slippery snakes, slimy slugs, and solid stumps" are examples

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Who sold seashells by the sea shore?

sally !!

What is she sells sea shells by the seas shore?

six difficult to find out, but i got the info from research... >how many shops she has by how many baskets peter piper fills up, and then divide it by how many pounds of wood a woodchuck chucks >it depends on the beach... ^if it is a naked beach about......what like 24???? ^if its a regular beach, about.....300,457,438,384,396,348,284,748,472,383 shaniknakalakshablakblakanhylodroquadrupillion sea shells >how many tornado,hurricane,ect. shelters are in the are in the area and how many people have the phone service shellular..or was it cellular??? does that answer your question?

How is conch profitable to man?

they are edible and can be sold and they have PRETTY shells;]

What type of phrase is sold at the farm store?

catch phrase

What kind of phrase is 'sold at the farm store'?

Appositive phrase

Where did huckleberries originate?

china but japan sold it first

What is a s twister?

Susie sold seashells on a sea shore!

Is there a collector's value for Tru-Test shotgun shells in the original boxes?

Yes, some have sold recently for $20-$25 per box on various auction sites. The shells date from 1967 to about 1975 and were sold by TruValue hardware stores. The shells were loaded by C.I.L. in Canada.

She sold seashells at the sea shore. what figure of speech is this?
