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Q: Where did the phrase take it easy oringinate?
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What does the phrase 'stay frosty' mean?

it means stay cool and take it easy

What does the phrase take into account mean?

The phrase, "take into account" is typically used when a important fact may be easy to overlook. Thus, it can be concluded that this phrase means that additional details need to be acknowledged before proceeding.

Where did the word poo oringinate?

sam coles did.

Where did cricket oringinate from?

cricket orignated from england

Where did the German shepherd oringinate from?

They originated from Germany

Where did the dish Spaghetti oringinate?

Spaghetti originated in Italy.

Where does the word babble oringinate from?

Middle English babelen

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Where did the blues first oringinate?

Near the delta region, in Mississippi.