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It comes from ancient times when people used to bye plots for graves for family . It is said that walking over the grave meant a sign of disrespect as they were not yet dead so you wished them Ill.

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Q: Where did the saying 'someone just walked over my grave' originate from?
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What does the expression somebody just walked over your grave mean?

It's just a vivid phrase to mean that you got a sudden attack of goosebumps or a shiver - the image is of your grave already being out there somewhere waiting for you to die, and someone just walked over it.

If you get the chills does it mean someone is thinking of you naked?

Not that I know of. There is a saying that when you get "goose bumps" someone is walking over your grave. A sudden inexplicable chill has been thought to mean a spirit is in the room (area) with you. There are some that say a "chill" means someone is saying "bad things" about you.

What does aunt Alexandra mean when she says somebody just walked over my grave?

When Aunt Alexandra says "somebody just walked over my grave," she is expressing that she felt a sudden chill or shiver, as if someone had walked over the spot where she will be buried. This phrase is often used to describe a feeling of foreboding or unease.

What is the meaning of grave in romeo and Juliet?

Paronomasia is punning or making a play on words by taking advantage of the fact that some words have more than one meaning. Mercutio, who has just been fatally wounded says " ask for me tomorrow and ye shall find me a grave man". This uses the fact that grave has two meanings. He sounds as though he is saying he will be grave and serious tomorrow but it can be also be heard that he is saying he will be dead and ready for the grave.

Can you stop someone places flowers on a grave?

No, but you can stop them from putting dynamite on a grave.

You got a chill like someone just walked over your grave?

This chill is a superstition but is also called Goosebumps. It is from your skin reacting to a quick change in climate.

Where did the saying from cradle to grave come from?

The term was used in The Tatler by Richard Steele in 1709. "A modest fellow never has a doubt from his cradle to his grave."

What is plagiarism and why is it a grave offense?

Plagiarism is when someone copies someone else's words, text, or work and calling it your own. Plagiarism is basically taking someone else's work and calling it your own work.It is a grave offense because you should be coming up with your own work, and not stealing someone else's work. It is stealing of intellectual property and saying you came up with it all on your own, when you didn't, so it is considered a serious and grave offense.

When you shiver does someone walk over your grave?

The phrase "someone walks over your grave" is simply a superstition. Shivering is a normal physiological response to feeling cold or experiencing fear, stress, or anxiety. It is not related to someone walking over your grave.

What does the saying Dig your own grave mean?

The definition is you are responsible for your own downfall in the future

What does it mean to call on someones grave?

It means to visit the graveside of someone who has passed away to pay your respects to someone who has meant something to you in your life ; To lay flowers at a grave .

What is the origin of the phrase a cat walked over my grave?

It comes from ancient times when familys used to purchase burial plots for their family before they had even died. Someone walking over your grave shows disrespect, and in oldren times, walking over a persons grave who has not yet deceased, meant you wished them ill. There's an old expression, or superstition, that if you get a sudden unexplained chill or shudder, someone just stepped on your grave. This means your future grave, the place where you will eventually be buried. Since most people don't know exactly where that's going to be, it's a deliberately creepy idea, a mystery like the reason for the chill.