

Where did the surfing culture come from?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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14y ago

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The Surfing Culture originally came from the Hawaiians. Many people today have adopted this sport.

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Why did the Hawaiians invent surfing?

Having spent most of my life in Hawaii I am well aware that the Hawaiians take credit for surfing. But, Hawaiians did NOT invent surfing! Surfing is depicted on ceremonial vessels of the Viru Culture, 3000 years ago. On these vessels a man is shown standing aboard a little reed craft, surfing. This means that the earliest surfing in the world that has actual physical evidence took place in Peru. There is no anthropological or archaeological evidence for a Polynesian origin of surfing before the mid 1700s.

What role do women play in the surf culture?

They feed their husbands when they come in from surfing and wax the boards in the afternoon. In the evenings they feed their men and sing to then to make them happy. Finally they will lie with them and bed them until they produce more male surfers

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Keep Surfing east from Lilycove, you will eventually come across Mossdeep.

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A yeast culture!

When was surfing discovered?

Surfing likely began in Polynesia. The art of surfing, called he'enalu in the Hawaiian language, was first described in 1769 by Joseph Banks on the HMS Endeavour during the third voyage of Captain James Cook. Surfing was a central part of ancient Polynesian culture and predates European contact.

What country invented surfing?

Many people believe that surfing was invented by Hawaiians, historical documents have disproved this . It was actually invented in Polynesia according to the records of 18th century sailors, some people claim it was invented in ancient South America first, this type of surfing was not the same as what we know as surfing today however and has not been conclusively proven at all, only claimed.

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Nordic culture.

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Minoan culture (Crete).

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Do you mean what created it? Well, surfers in California went and invented it as a way to practice surfing on land. That's what the ramps and stuff are for.