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The supertanker Torrey Canyon struck Pollard's Rock in the Seven Stones Reef, between Cornwall England and the Scillie Isles. This is off the Southwestern coast of Cornwall. The vessel sunk in 30 meters of water. The Royal Air Force bombed the ship to allow it to break up, and burn off the oil it was releasing.

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Q: Where did the torrey canyon disaster happen?
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Torrey Canyon oil spill?

The Torrey Canyon oil spill occurred in 1967 when the supertanker Torrey Canyon ran aground off the coast of Cornwall, England. The spill resulted in approximately 120,000 tons of crude oil being released into the ocean, causing significant environmental damage. It is one of the largest oil spills in history and led to increased regulations and disaster response efforts to prevent and mitigate future spills.

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1 w0uldnt n0 cuz n0 0n3 4nsw3r3d it

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