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The Torrey Canyon oil spill happened off the southwest coast of the United Kingdom on March 18, 1967. It is considered one of the world's worst oil spills.

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The Torrey Canyon oil spill occurred in 1967 when the supertanker Torrey Canyon ran aground off the coast of Cornwall, England. The spill resulted in approximately 120,000 tons of crude oil being released into the ocean, causing significant environmental damage. It is one of the largest oil spills in history and led to increased regulations and disaster response efforts to prevent and mitigate future spills.

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Q: Torrey Canyon oil spill
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Torrey Canyon's effect on the environment?

The Torrey Canyon oil spill in 1967 off the coast of Cornwall, England, caused extensive damage to marine life, seabirds, and habitats. The spill resulted in the death of thousands of birds and marine animals, and contaminated beaches and coastal ecosystems. It was one of the world's first major environmental disasters caused by an oil spill.

How much did the torrey canyon clean up cost?

The Torrey Canyon oil spill clean-up in 1967 cost around £6 million, which is about $16 million in today's currency. The operation involved a range of methods, including oil dispersants, beach cleaning, and controlled burning.

Where did the torrey canyon disaster happen?

The supertanker Torrey Canyon struck Pollard's Rock in the Seven Stones Reef, between Cornwall England and the Scillie Isles. This is off the Southwestern coast of Cornwall. The vessel sunk in 30 meters of water. The Royal Air Force bombed the ship to allow it to break up, and burn off the oil it was releasing.

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the last oil spill was the oil spill in the Gulf Of Mexico

Where did the oil spill place take place?

The oil spill occurred in Mississippi canyon block 252 about 50 miles off the coast of Louisiana in the Gulf of Mexico.

What are the other names of BP oil spill?

The 'Deepwater Horizon oil spill', also called the 'BP Oil Spill', the 'Gulf of Mexico oil spill' or the 'Macondo blowout'... ---- Wikipedia

What was the most rescent oil spill?

Deepwater Horizen oil spill.

Was there an oil spill in New Mexico?

No, there was an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

When did the gulf war oil spill occur?

The Gulf War oil spill occurred on January 23, 1991, and was the largest oil spill to date. It was the largest purposely created oil spill in history.

What is the same or differences about the Exxon Valdez and the BP oil spill?

the Exxon Valdez spill happened before the BP oil spill. and the they are the same because they are both an oil spill

How do you get oil spill in the ocean?

It could spill out of a tanker (Exxon Valdez), it could be from a wrecked oil derrick (BP Gulf Oil Spill).

Was the oil spill in the gulf of Mexico capped?

yes the oil spill was capped