

Where did the triangle shirtwaist fire take place?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire took place in New York City.

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Q: Where did the triangle shirtwaist fire take place?
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Where did the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire take place?

new york

What year did the triangle shirtwaist fire take place?

. it was on March 25th, 1911

Why did the triangle shirtwaist fire take place?

Textile factories were very often catching fire. There was machinery, cotton fluff, bits of cloth, gas lamps, sewing machines, stuff on the floor, trash and heat. The doors in this case were chained locked and the windows closed. The entire environment was an accident waiting to happen.

Is phosphorus necessary for a fire to take place?

No phosphorus is not necessary for fire to take place.The fire triangle or combustion triangle is a simple model for understanding the ingredients necessary for most fires.The triangle illustrates a fire requires three elements: heat, fuel and an oxidizing agent(usually oxygen).

What happens when you take out fuel from fire?

the fire dies because there is 1 thing taken out from the fire triangle. adding on the fire triangle is a triangle in which u see the things needed for a fire to urn !!

What are three points of a fire triangle?

The three points in the fire triangle are fuel, heat and oxygen. To stop a fire you need to take one of those elements away from the triangle :)

How does burning take place using the fire triangle?

the heat needs oxygen to keep burning and to light the flame the fuels need to be burnt

How does a fire triangle work?

All 3 things around the triangle you need to create and sustain fire - heat-fuel-oxygen. If you take any of them out you can not produce or sustain a fire.

Why fire take place?

At first, fire exists due to the fire triangle. This triangle is the combination of fuel, oxygen, heat (raising of temperature).Fuel - ie. paper, oil, gas, etc,.oxygen - air from atmosphere.Heat - from any source like spark or lighter.When there is a deficiency of any one of the above source, the fire can not exists.

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West indies

Where did the Chicago fire take place?

the fire took place in chicago i love the wanted

Where did Chicago Fire take place?

the fire took place in Chicago i love the wanted